Monday, May 4, 2009

Philippine Stock Exchange

The Philippine Stock Exchange (Filipino: Pamilihang Sapi ng Pilipinas) (PSE: PSE) is one of the two stock exchanges in the Philippines, the other one being the Philippine Dealing Exchange. It is the primary stock exchange in the Philippines. Aside from being one of the major stock exchanges in Southeast Asia, it is also the first and the longest one operating since 1927. As of 31 December 2007, the Philippine Stock Exchange had 244 listed companies with a combined market capitalization of $103 billion.[1]

It currently maintains two trading floors, one in Makati City's Central Business District and one at its headquarters in Pasig City. It is presently composed of a 15-man board, chaired by former Supreme Court Justice Jose Vitug, an independent director, who was reelected a 4th time on May 18, 2008 (since July 2005). Francis Lim was reelected to a 5th term as president since 2004.[2]

The PSE is known for having one of the shortest trading hours of any stock exchange in Asia, only trading from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm PST.[3] A two-hour long afternoon trading session is set to be added to the PSE trading day by June 30, 2009.[4]

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